Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How to Spruce up your Chicken or Tuna Salad

If you're in a whole "New Year New You" weight loss craze right now and are in a frenzy looking for light and tasty meals (or even if you're not; I'm not), this is one of them.  For some reason, I always see dieting people eating chicken or tuna salad, and not really enjoying it.

First of all, if you're trying to lose weight, watch how much mayo you use.  Everything else is on point for a healthy lifestyle.

Second, I use this same recipe for both my chicken and tuna salad with the exception of the boiled eggs.  Those generally only go in my tuna, but don't taste bad in the chicken.  Also, I do not have a problem with celery per se, but I do have a problem with it in things.  It is one of those weird texture things, and I can only eat it alone or with a nut butter.  Off topic.

Anyhow, this particular day I made chicken salad.  I took inspiration for this recipe from my friend after the first time I had chicken salad at her house, and I am never going back to the old ways.

What you'll need:

  • 2 large (12.5oz for chicken; 9oz for tuna) cans of chicken or tuna (packed in water), drained
  • 1 medium apple, diced
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup natural sliced almonds
  • 2 T mayo or Miracle Whip
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 stalk celery, diced (optional)
  • 2 boiled eggs, diced (optional)
  • salt and pepper to taste
You can also sprinkle in some parsley and basil if you're feeling froggy, but I did not do that this time.

What to do:

In a medium size bowl, toss diced apple in lemon juice to completely coat and set aside to soak.  This will hinder the oxidation process and prevent your apples from turning an ugly brown color.  Also, you get a fresh lemon flavor in your salad.

In a separate bowl, finely shred your meat with two forks (seriously, why did I never think to do this??).  Add mayo and spices and stir until all of the meat coated with mayo.

Remove apple from lemon juice (or keep the juice if you want some added citrus flavor in your salad) and add to chicken/tuna along with the almonds, celery, and eggs.  Stir until you have a nice even mixture.

Serve with crackers, on a sandwich, or just eat it out of the bowl with a fork.


Makes about 4 servings.


  1. This is similar to what I make but I also add 1/4 cup of diced dill pickles!
